“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
―Abraham Lincoln

"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it"
-Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What an amazing experience it was to be a guest on the World Hope Cast with Dr. Paul Jenkins and Don Hudson. I hope you will all have the opportunity to listen to the interview. My tips on hope: practice smiling, don't live in the what if's or if I'd only mindset, and be happy now! -GMC‪   

Audio of World Hope Cast Interview


Friday, March 11, 2016

My World Hopecast Interview

Many of you have heard of motivational speaker Dr. Paul Jenkins, well I am being interviewed by him on the WORLD HOPECAST next week, so please sign up now to listen!

This is a record breaking internet podcast with interviews of experts from around the globe in a record attempt (certified by Guinness) for the longest live-streamed audio webcast, while providing powerful messages of hope to the world, from around the world.

Registration is Open! Please take a moment to register yourself, and then invite your friends to do the same. Once you register, you will receive a unique link and instructions that allow you to follow the live stream. I will be interviewed on Friday at 12am Mountain Standard Time. Tune in online, Thursday night just before midnight to hear my Friday 12am interview podcast live. Let me know if you can't listen to the even that night. I will have a direct link to my interview after the entire podcast for World Hopecast is over.

The link you receive will work for the entire event, not just my interview. You will also have access to the schedule and can share the event with others. This is the direct link to the registration page:


World Hopecast does not sell or share your e-mail information. Even if you can't listen to mine, register and listen to other podcasts or mine at a later date :)

Grace Marie Chumley

"Put on your natural make-up, SMILE"

Author of:
"Grace Under Pressure - Smiling Through Adversity"

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Food #6 Learning From Young Pros

Sometimes amazing opportunities just land in your lap. As a substitute teacher, I usually work a classroom one or two days in a row and then move on. This year I was given the opportunity to do a long term substitute job at a local high school. I am loving it! I have been able to teach Child Development (one of my college majors) and cooking. Yes, cooking! I have two classes of Cooking 1 and then the Pro Start Restaurant class.  My units to teach in Child Development are on genetics and the reproductive system. They even have the simulator babies to start taking home including a car seat!

It didn't take long to get caught up to speed in the Child Development or Cooking 1 classes, but the Pro Start was way beyond me.  These are high school students who really know how to cook in a restaurant kitchen. Once or twice a month, they run a cafe in the school for teachers to eat lunch at. The students are responsible for management and running the front of the cafe as well as running the kitchen in the back. 
This is the front of the house or the cafe. It is small and very nice. I am standing by the cash register and the door to enter. Teachers pay to come eat at the cafe. Each student has to run one cafe a year where they are the manager, plan the menu, and then assign the rest of the students jobs. One day we do a run through and cook a small amount. Then the students give me the grocery list depending on how many teachers sign up. I get to do the shopping! Then they do the real thing for about 30 teachers. It has been really fun. 

We did the unit on salads and garnishes and they made some really good food and some fun garnishes. I get paid to teach, sample food, grade, test, and go shopping. This has been one of the best sub jobs so far. They even gave me a lap top and trusted me in Skyward. That is the student system that I just happen to have worked in for over 14 years so I didn't need any training there.

Needless to say, these amazing students have taught me a few things. There are some great students out there that have a passion for learning, who are well disciplined, and who appreciate a substitute teach that is studying at home so that their time in class is not wasted.  On top of that, I am learning some great cooking skills and I have a great kitchen to work in. Just look at this place! Teaching doesn't get any better than this.


Just some of the fun garnishes they made with whatever they could find in the kitchen.